Saturday 21 September 2019

Stuffed Bittergourd - Stuffed Paharkai

  Though Bitter gourd is a vegetable which has a strong bitter taste, this stuffed Bitter gourd doesn't have bitterness. It is a super delicious dish that can be relished as such. Let me get into the recipe details.

Youtube Video link- Stuffed Bittergourd


Bittergourd -  I have taken 2 (medium size)

 For Stuffing:

  • Bittergourd skin (grated)
  • Finely chopped Onion - I have taken half for 2 medium sized bittergourd
  • Turmeric powder - as required
  • Chilli powder - as required
  • Tamarind Pulp - as required
  • Jaggery - as required
  • Grated Coconut - as required
  • Salt - as required
  • Oil - as required
  • Tooth pick or wooden skewer - optional


  • Grate the bumpy skin of the bitter gourd with a knife. Small bits of the skin will fall out. Collect the peel. We will use this for the stuffing.

  • Now make a vertical slit in the Bitter gourd and remove the seeds inside the bitter gourd.
  • Drizzle salt on the outside and inside of the bitter gourd and rub the inner and outer skin of the bitter gourd with salt. 

  • Let it rest for a while. This is done to remove the bitterness of the bitter gourd.While this is resting, let us make the stuffing


  • Heat oil in a pan, and add the chopped onions and saute it by adding a little salt to quicken the process.
  • Once the onions are well sauted, add the Bitter gourd skin pieces, add saute a little.
  • Add a little Turmeric powder and Chilli powder and saute again.
  • Add the required Tamarind pulp and Salt and cook the content by closing the pan.
  • Open the pan and stir In-between.
  • Once the contents are well cooked, add the jaggery and grated coconut and cook for few more minutes.
  • Stuffing is ready. Let us stuff it inside the Bitter gourd.
The Stuffing can be used as a Side dish. It will be very tasty.

  • Now wash out the salt in the Bitter gourd with water
  • Stuff the prepared stuffing inside the bitter gourd through the vertical slit made. Take care not to damage the Bitter gourd because the bitter gourd will be tender.
  • If the mouth of the vertical slit is wide, you can insert a tooth pick from one side to the opening to the other side to keep the opening intact (optional step)
  • Do the same for every Bitter gourd used.

 Cooking the Stuffed Bitter gourd:

  • Heat a pan and place the stuffed bitter gourds inside the pan.

  • Drizzle some oil on top of the bitter gourd.
  • Cook the Bitter gourd by closing the pan till the bottom part is browned.
  • Open the pan, turn the bitter gourds to the other side and cook again. 

  • Cook the bitter gourd on all sides by turning the gourds each time.
  • Stuffed Bitter gourd is ready when the gourd is cooked on all sides.

The Super Delicious Stuffed Bitter gourd is ready!!!


  • If you are using the Toothpick, it may not be easy to turn the bitter gourd. So pull out the toothpick slightly to the opposite side while turning the bitter gourd. Take care not to pull out completely. You can also use a wooden skewer.
  • Using Tamarind, Jaggery, chilli powder and rubbing with salt will remove the bitter taste of the gourd.
  • As said above, the stuffing itself can be used as a side dish.

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